August 21 2023

雅思作文真题直击 | | 栏目推送说明





Some people think more public money should be spent on roads and motorways than on public transport systems. To what extent do you agree or disagree?




Nowadays, apanoramaoftraffic-ladenroadways appears tostretch into infinity, with a high correlation to road injuries and evenfatalities. To solve thisconundrum, a simple investment in upgrading road networks and highways should be viewed as along shot, while combined efforts with access to awell-integratedpublic transportation system should be emphasized for moredesirable upshots.



❖ panorama 全景n.

❖ traffic-laden 交通拥挤的 adj.

❖ stretch into infinity 延伸到无限

❖ fatalities 死亡n.

❖ conundrum 难题n.

❖ upgrade 改善v.

❖ a long shot 冒险尝试,指可能性很小的尝试或冒险

❖ well-integrated 综合良好的 adj.

❖ desirable upshots 理想的结果

Body 1

Those whocling to the notionofroad-oriented policymaytake it for grantedthatniftypublic works, bemulti-layered flyoversorexpresswayslinking two counties, could enhancetraffic capacityincar-dependentmetropolitan regions with anever-expandingvehicle ownership. Besides,optimizationof non-motor vehicle lane in CBD might be beneficial in dealing with increasedcomplexityin road traffic due to the growing popularity ofe-scooters and e-bikes. Nevertheless, the afore-mentionedantidotesare plainlyfutile attemptsto catch up with soaring use of eitherpetrol-fueledorelectricity-fueledmobilities; anoblivionof either forthcomingautonomous automobilesorshrinking parking spaceis unlikely lift a city out of the congestionlimbo.



❖cling to the notion 坚持某种观念

❖road-oriented policy以道路为导向的政策

❖take it for granted理所当然地认为

❖nifty 漂亮的

❖multi-layered flyovers 多层立交桥

❖expressways 高速公路

❖traffic capacity 交通能力

❖car-dependent 依赖汽车的 adj.

❖ever-expanding 不断增加的 adj.

❖optimization 优化n.

❖complexity 复杂情况n.

❖e-scooters and e-bikes 电动滑板车和电动自行车

❖antidote 解药

❖futile attempts 徒劳的尝试

❖petrol-fueled 以汽油为燃料的

❖electricity-fueled 以电为燃料的

❖oblivion 遗忘 n.

❖autonomous automobiles 自动驾驶汽车

❖shrinking parking space 不断缩小的停车空间

❖limbo 处于中间的或不定的状态

Body 2

Horrificincongruitybetween commuting needs and road public facilities,ipso facto, could beremediedby supplying additional buses, underground systems, trams and sky trains. Bepunctualityand reliability in scheduling werewarranted, public’senthusiasmfor prioritizing public transport could befueled, whilesubsidycould be imposed onfareof long-distance train coaches and trains, thuscatering tocommuting needs ofthe budget-conscious groupwho arehousebounddue to limited mobility. Clearly,facilitationof improvedmass transitinfrastructure lowers theeconomic and social costsassociated with commutingin a sustainable manner.



❖incongruity 不协调

❖ipso facto 事实上

❖be remedied 被纠正

❖punctuality 准时性

❖be warranted被保证

❖enthusiasm 热情

❖be fueled 被激发

❖subsidy 补贴n.

❖fare 票价n.

❖cater to 满足

❖the budget-conscious group 预算紧张的群体

❖housebound 足不出户的adj.

❖facilitation 改善n.

❖mass transit 公共交通

❖economic and social costs 经济和社会成本

❖in a sustainable manner 以可持续的方式

Ending Paragraph

In essence,a sole reliance oneither improved road network or afully-fledgedtransportation service is asure-fire recipefor agloomyprospect that we cannot afford. Rather, bothtacticsshould be implemented with equal significance.



❖a sole reliance on 仅仅依赖

❖fully-fledged 完善的

❖sure-fire recipe 万无一失的食谱

❖gloomy 黯淡的

❖tactics 策略
